Clinical practice guidelines to improve function in cerebral palsy

In response to the needs of young people, families and clinicians across the world, international clinical practice guidelines have been developed to support children and young people with cerebral palsy to achieve their goals and improve their capacity to participate in important life activities.

An international team of clinicians and researchers, in consultation with children and families, have developed information sheets that summarise the guideline recommendations. These guidelines can be used to start conversations with therapists and support agencies to ensure the services you receive suit you and your individual family.

Links to evidence-based interventions to support specific goals are also included. If there are interventions you feel might suit your child and family you can then discuss these further with the professionals and agencies in the team around you.

Information for young people and families with cerebral palsy

This factsheet aims to provide young people and families with tips on how to work with clinicians to set functional goals based on the latest best-practice research.

Information for clinicians working with young people with cerebral palsy

A five-step guide for clinicians to follow in order to help young people maximise outcomes and achieve their goals.
This factsheet lays out practical tips for clinicians to connect with families, consider individual needs and ensure that families are able to best support their child.​
Intervention should begin with client-centred, functional goals – this factsheet outlines how clinicians can help children and young people set and achieve goals.
A checklist of principles summarising the key points of interventions to improve functional outcomes in cerebral palsy.

Tools to support clinicians to implement guidelines in practice

More information about the guidelines

View the full clinical practice guidelines, published in the medical journal Developmental Medicine and Neurology.

Listen to a five-minute video presentation and podcast by author Michelle Jackman.