
love of humanity
Thanks to the generosity of our wonderful philanthropic partners, we continue driving our vision of a future where nothing is impossible for people with cerebral palsy and similar disabilities.
Philanthropy transforms lives by enabling access to early diagnosis and intervention, life changing technology, supports and opportunities not funded by NDIS, research into prevention, treatment, and cure for cerebral palsy, and advocacy to change the future.
We are deeply grateful for the incredible generosity that enables our mission to deliver a world of opportunity for people with cerebral palsy and similar disabilities, and their families.

Your impact in 2023 – thank you

Thank you to our wonderful philanthropic partners

The Ian Potter Foundation logo

EA & N Hulak Foundation

Profield Foundation

Perpetual logo

Mandalay Foundation

Farrell Family Foundation logo
The Honig Foundation logo

Fleming Foundation

The Co-Group logo
The National Stem Cell Foundation of Australia logo
Brain Australia logo
Thrasher Research Fund logo
primary club of Australia logo
Mostyn Family Foundation logo
Wests logo

Neurodisability Assist Trust

Ainsworth 4 foundation logo
The Penn Foundation logo

The Simpson Foundation

James N. Kirby foundation logo
Paradice Investment Management logo
Mountes logo

Meet the Next Gen Group

The CPA Next Generation philanthropy group (“NextGen”) are established, successful, compassionate individuals who assist Cerebral Palsy Alliance (CPA) in driving fundraising capacity to support world-class services, community advocacy and policy influence, training, global research into prevention, treatment and cure for cerebral palsy, and the advancement of enabling technology.

The Network acts in a volunteer capacity to attract philanthropic and corporate support to expand the reach and impact of CPA’s vision and mission.

The team are more than happy to discuss the group and the group’s purpose. Feel free to connect with any of us directly.

Jeremy Bedwani

Jeremy Bedwani


Jeremy has volunteered his time to Cerebral Palsy Alliance events in recent years and in 2020, and 2021 Trelease Associates assisted CPA in securing two sites which will provide highly tailored neurological support to clients. In chairing the NextGen group Jeremy facilitates introductions and collaboration with high net-worth individuals to develop philanthropic efforts to further drive fundraising and the footprint of global research into CP.

Dan Elias

Dan Elias

Dan is Associate Partner at Perpetual Private focused exclusively on high-net-worth clients, delivering the full range of resources needed to address the complex, multi-faceted challenges of managing significant wealth. Traditionally Dan has served entrepreneurs, executives, professionals and high-net-worth individuals.

Dan first came across Cerebral Palsy Alliance back in 2015, by taking part in the Krazy Kosci Klimb. It was through that process that Dan became acquainted with a family that relied and greatly benefited from CPA’s facilities and programs.

Aleksandra Chojnacki

Aleksandra Chojnacki

Aleksandra Chojnacki is a Senior Business Development Manager at Dataro, a Sydney-based ethically minded machine learning platform, with a mission to help Not-For-Profit’s raise more money whilst spending less. Previously, she has worked in Enterprise Solutions with global tech corporations including Bronto, Oracle, Netsuite and BigCommerce.

Aleksandra holds a Bachelor of Criminology & Criminal Justice (Social Policy & Research) and is currently in her final year of her Juris Doctor (Law) at the University of Technology, Sydney.

Aleksandra is excited to contribute to the mission of CPA’s NextGen group.

Sam Masi

Sam Masi

Sam Masi is Commercial Manager at Vivienne Court Trading – a proprietary trading firm with a difference. VivCourt’s unique corporate structure replaces shareholders with a charitable trust, enabling revenue generated to be distributed across Australian registered Not-For-Profits. Sam is a converted Lawyer, having started his career at Allens Linklaters in their Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions practice.

Sam has a long family connection to CPA, with his younger sister Grace receiving both cerebral palsy and autism diagnosis as an infant. Grace has received a range of incredible services and support from CPA.

Jamie Leigh Hecht

Jamie-Leigh Hecht

Jamie Leigh Hecht has been involved in the tech startup ecosystem since 2016, from operations, investor relations, marketing and community roles in Venture Capital, Impact Investment and Corporate Brands.

She is looking forward to contributing to the CPA community through networks, creative strategies and communication channels, online and in-person events that will support the overarching goals of the organisation and the NextGen Philanthropy Group.

Maggie Boutros

Maggie Boutros

Maggie Boutros is a well-versed commercial lawyer working at InfraBuild Australia, which is a part of the GFG Alliance, companies involved in mining, manufacturing of steel and construction. Maggie graduated from Medical Science, First Class Honours and subsequently, obtained a Juris Doctor from the University of Technology Sydney.

Maggie utilises her leadership skills coupled with her Legal skills to bring critical analysis and problem solving to everything she works on. In addition, Maggie’s empathy, persistence and ambition drive positive change in both her personal and professional dealings. Most importantly, Maggie never forgets to remind herself that laughter on a daily basis is key to success!

David Lewis

David Lewis

David is a passionate storyteller who worked for a decade as a journalist for both daily news and current affairs programs at the ABC, including 7.30 and Background Briefing. After moving into public relations, he worked in NSW politics and for Shine Lawyers. He is now media and communications manager for the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria.

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