Our Policies

Commitment to good governance and quality

Cerebral Palsy Alliance is committed to the provision of high-quality services which are strengthened by a continuous improvement approach to supporting quality service provision.

Our Quality and Safeguarding Framework (including Policy and Guidelines) is aligned to The National Disability Insurance Scheme Provider Registration and Practice Standards Rules; the National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality Indicators; local, state based and national health regulations; human rights principles; and our Quality Management Guidelines.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

As a registered NDIS provider, Cerebral Palsy Alliance can work directly with you to ensure that your NDIS experience is as seamless and easy as possible.

As a Registered Provider with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Cerebral Palsy Alliance has robust systems in place to meet quality and safeguarding requirements. This includes regular quality audits conducted by an independent auditor against the NDIS Practice Standards. Our policies and procedures reflect our commitment to delivering high quality support services and ensuring the safety and wellbeing of clients and staff.

For more information on your NDIS plan click here

For more information on the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission click here

Our policies



We respect each individual’s right to privacy and dignity in all aspects of their life and will protect the confidentiality of information that we maintain about individuals whom we interact with.

Feedback and Complaints

We seek regular feedback and use it to inform individual and organisational service reviews and improvement.

Click here to submit your feedback or complaint online.

For more information please view our Feedback and Complaints Procedure.

Service Access

We manage access, commencement and leaving our service in a transparent, fair and responsive way.


We safely store, administer and document medications, monitor the effects of medications and work to prevent errors or incidents.

Person Centred Service Planning

We listen to our clients and support them to decide what, how, when and where their services should be delivered and who should deliver them. Our person-centred framework supports our clients in a collaborative and cooperative way and puts the client and others who are important in their life at the centre of service planning activities.

Children at Risk of Harm

Under the NSW Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1988 and the ACT Children and Young People Act 2008, Cerebral Palsy Alliance is a mandatory reporter. This means that where staff/volunteers believe that there is a risk of significant harm to a child’s or young person’s safety, welfare or wellbeing, these concerns must be reported to the Department of Communities and Justice.

Safe Lifting Practices

Cerebral Palsy Alliance maintains high standards of health and safety for clients, visitors and staff. Where a child or adult requires lifting during a visit to a CPA site, our staff will provide guidance on safe lifting practices and transfers, e.g. out of/into a vehicle. Your Client Relationship Manager can provide further information and assistance where required.

Incident Management

We aim to provide safe services for all people accessing supports and services from Cerebral Palsy Alliance. If an incident does occur during service provision, Cerebral Palsy Alliance will act to safeguard the wellbeing of the individuals impacted. All incidents will be responded to, reported, recorded, investigated and finalised in an effective, consistent and timely manner, and in accordance with legislative and contractual requirements. All staff are trained in responding to and reporting incidents. As required by law, we report serious incidents to the NDIS Commission or other relevant external authorities.

Whistleblower (Protected Disclosure)

We provide a safe and confidential environment where concerns about wrongdoing can be raised without fear of reprisal or detrimental treatment.



We strive to provide quality services and are committed to good governance and compliance with state and federal legislation.

Cerebral Palsy Alliance is a Registered Provider with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission and has robust systems in place to meet quality and safeguarding requirements. This includes regular quality audits conducted by an independent auditor against the NDIS Practice Standards. Our policies and procedures reflect our commitment to delivering high quality support services and ensuring the safety and wellbeing of clients and staff.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission