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Madison Paton, female in red dress on left receiving award with female (centre) and male (right)

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Researcher wins Rising Star Award from the Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research

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The Sayers family

Cerebral Palsy Alliance researchers take centre stage in virtual conference for World Cord Blood Day 2023 

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Remarkable Scaler logo

Remarkable introduces Scaler Program to its portfolio 

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Two young men sitting next to each other smiling

Government disability policy in Australia for people with physical disabilities from cultural and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

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newborn baby in an incubator in hospital

World Prematurity Day 2023

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Celebrating World Science Day 2023

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a father with his daughter standing in a walking frame in their living room

Are you a child or young person with cerebral palsy who has had lower limb orthopaedic surgery? We need your help!

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A woman looking at a young boy smiling, while he smiles towards the camera

For health care professionals

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The team from the Grace Centre for Newborn Intensive care standing together, smiling after receiving the NSW Health Research award.

Grace Centre, Sydney Children’s Hospital Wins Prestigious NSW Health Research Award

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Pete speaking on stage to an audience with an interpreter on the side

Remarkable team deliver at second USA Tech Summit

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