
Cerebral Palsy Alliance (CPA) is a public company limited by guarantee and registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission. CPA was founded in 1945 to support children with cerebral palsy. Since then, CPA has leveraged its expertise to support children and adults with cerebral palsy as well as people living with similar disabilities.

We comply with relevant legislation, adhere to the highest standards of governance, and manage continuous improvement and organisational risk through frameworks, guidelines and review processes.

As per our Board Charter, the Board has overall responsibility for the development and monitoring of a policy framework for the effective governance and operation of CPA, with day-to-day management delegated to the CEO, supported by the executive management team.

Board Charter

The Board Charter aims to assist the Board to deliver good governance to CPA. It clearly defines the respective roles, responsibilities and authorities of the Board (both individually and collectively) and management in setting the direction, the management and control of CPA.

The Board Charter is subject to specific requirements in the Constitution of CPA.


Cerebral Palsy Alliance adopted its current Constitution on 24 November 2021.

The Constitution sets out CPA’s objective, which includes to provide relief to persons who experience disability as a result of cerebral palsy and similar disabilities, and their families.

Board of directors

The Board of directors of CPA (Board) is the custodian of CPA for its members and its broader stakeholders, including people with cerebral palsy and similar disabilities and their families, CPA’s many supporters and the community generally. The Board is responsible for the governance of CPA and is committed to five core values which guide its thinking and actions and which underpin all decision-making.

Executive management team

Our Executive Team is our core leadership group, responsible for the overall day-to-day management and operation of Cerebral Palsy Alliance in line with our strategic direction.