Tech innovation

Driving inclusion through technological innovation

Unlocking the potential of assistive technology

Technological innovation has incredible potential to enable new treatments and interventions for people with cerebral palsy and can be a powerful driver of inclusion
Things that seemed impossible a decade ago are now a reality - like children using eye-gaze technology to communicate or exoskeleton suits that help people walk.

Cerebral Palsy Alliance is harnessing the power of technological innovation through:

  • Our world-first disability tech accelerator, Remarkable
  • Our research into assistive technology innovations
  • Our customised equipment services

Our teams driving technology and innovation are another great example of how great minds come together to think differently to deliver better outcomes for people with disability.

Co-creating with Remarkable

Cerebral Palsy Alliance’s Remarkable division began in 2016 after hosting a competition to discover new innovations for people with cerebral palsy. It is now a suite of global programs committed to developing tech startups from across the world that positively impact people with disability.  

What makes Remarkable unique is how new ideas are developed. Researchers, designers, engineers and people with and without disabilities come together to translate research and ideas into products, devices, and services that improve lives. 

Whether you are just starting out, or looking to take your startup to its next stage, Remarkable’s global programs can support you with seed funding and the knowledge and skills to become a commercially sustainable business. Key programs include: Design-athon, Launcher and Accelerator.

A group of people chatting around the table at the Remarkable event.


A 5-week guided inclusive design competition where participants are invited to develop early stage prototypes for identified problems, for prize money.
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A Lady wearing Nuroflux around the head, a Remarkable innovation.


An 8-week program that supports early-stage entrepreneurs and researchers to validate a prototype or product.
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An male wheelchair user on the left and an another male on the right smiling to the camera. At the Remarkable event


A 16-week bespoke program for disability-tech startups to find product-market-fit, accelerate their market entry and commercialisation.
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A lady sitting in a wheelchair next to her support worker, both smiling


A bespoke program for later-stage disability-tech startups who are in-market and looking to scale their business.
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“People with disability are the innovators behind some of the world’s greatest technological advancements. As we look to the future, we must amplify and harness great minds to unlock the potential of technology to drive inclusion for all”

- Pete Horsley, Founder, Remarkable

Research in disability technology

Through our research division, we work with an international network of scientists, researchers, clinicians, families, engineers and entrepreneurs on improving and discovering new ideas to improve mobility, cognition and communications.  

 We have a team dedicated to exploring the benefits of artificial intelligence, flexible technology and robotics. Whether its robots to help with tasks or exoskeleton suits to provide strength and the ability to exercise, the possibilities are endless. 

Equipment and assistive technology service

Every person with a disability has unique needs when it comes to equipment that will support their mobility, communications and wellbeing. That’s why we provide a wide range of custom-made equipment and solutions. We can custom-mould seats for wheelchairs, shower chairs and sleep systems, and customise accessories like drink holders, splints and straps.   

 Additionally, we offer equipment clinics where you can trial new wheelchairs, walkers, seats, standing frames and more – all in the one place on the same day.