Exercise Physiology

Optimise your health and wellbeing with our exercise physiology sessions.

At CPA, our accredited exercise physiologists work with children, teenagers and adults to improve their strength and functional mobility.

EP services are delivered in our accessible exercise gyms and centres located in Allambie Heights, Erina, Canberra, Kingswood, Penshurst, Prairiewood and Ryde. In addition, we offer hydrotherapy, telepractice and community gym-based therapy sessions.

Saturday appointments available
now at CPA Allambie Heights

Choose from the following appointment options:


  • 8 years + (with exercise physiologist or allied health assistant)
  • Times: 9am, 10am and 11am

Active Adults group

  • 18 years + (with exercise physiologist)
  • Times: 9am and 11am
A client in the gym, working on her balance and coordination with an exercise physiologist.

Frequently asked questions

An Exercise Physiologist, or EP, is an Allied Health professional who has completed a minimum of 4 years of tertiary study and is accredited by Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA). This ensures safe and effective exercise interventions are consistently followed for the prevention and management of chronic conditions and injuries. 

At CPA, our ESSA accredited EP’s deliver individual and group based therapy using evidence-based, targeted exercise intervention to manage health and fitness for people with cerebral palsy and similar conditions. They prescribe holistic exercise programs and deliver education to support a continued healthy lifestyle and improve the individual’s quality of life.

The many benefits of regular exercise include:

  • Improved muscle strength
  • Improved fitness
  • Support development of a healthy lifestyle and long-term behaviour change
  • Increased flexibility and mobility
  • Improved mood and general feelings of wellbeing
  • Reduced risk of co-morbidities or health conditions such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes
  • Reduced anxiety, feelings of stress or risk of depression
  • Reduced pain
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved immune system to reduce illness
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Improved balance for preventing falls and improving mobility and independence 
  • Increase physical activity and sports participation
  • Improved confidence in movement to increase regular physical activity 
  • Support weight loss and weight management 
  • Increased social and community participation
  • Improved quality of life
  • Achieving individual goals to help improve strength and fitness and build independence
  • Maintaining your mobility and range of motion so you can move more freely at home or  in the community and complete daily activities with greater independence such as dressing and personal care
  • Develop your skills for completing specific tasks such as kicking a ball or riding a bike
  • Learning about how to live a healthy lifestyle and manage your weight
  • Managing the impacts of your disability and prevention of other health conditions
  • Being independent in your exercise program within the community
  • Participating in other sport, recreation and leisure activities with your peers

Our fully accessible gym and clinic facilities offer people with cerebral palsy and similar conditions access to specialised equipment, in a practical and supportive exercise environment.

You can also access our exercise physiology services at our Allambie Heights hydrotherapy pool at, off site in community gyms and pools or virtually via telepractice. 

Book today!

Contact us directly or complete the form below to enquire.

a boy in spider man suit holding a ball

Our therapy approach: Goal Directed Training

Working towards a goal that you set for yourself makes therapy more fun and effective. Our Exercise Physiologists utilise Goal Directed Training (GDT) as part of their therapy approach to improving daily life independence and overall functional performance. It is activity-based, where the individual chooses a goal that is important to them.
Find out how our multi-disciplinary team of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists and exercise physiologists can work with you to set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely (SMART) goals.
Learn more about GDT

This service is available at

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Allambie Heights centre

Allambie Heights centre

187 Allambie Rd, Allambie Heights NSW 2100
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Cerebral Palsy Alliance Canberra centre

Canberra centre

5 Ross Smith Cres, Scullin ACT 2614
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Cerebral Palsy Alliance Erina centre

Erina centre

3/20 Karalta Rd, Erina NSW 2250
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Cerebral Palsy Alliance Marconi centre

Prairiewood Marconi centre

224-244 Restwell Rd, Prairiewood NSW 2176
Read more
Cerebral Palsy Alliance Ryde centre

Ryde centre

3A Smalls Rd, Ryde NSW 2112
Read more

This service can be funded by your NDIS package

  • Capacity Building - Improved Health and Wellbeing (Category 12)
  • Capacity Building - Improved Daily Living (Category 15)

Enquiry form

We will respond as soon as possible, between Monday-Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm