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Green handprint

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A young boy playing with his mum

3-6 years

Age Group
A young girl, smiling holding a tennis racket

7-12 years

Age Group
two young females reading a book together

13-17 years

Age Group
A young adult male walking in a frame alongside a male therapist

18-30 years

Age Group
A lady with short brown hair smiling, sitting in a wheelchair in front of an easel painting

31-65 years

Age Group
An elderly lady smiling in a chair

65+ years

Age Group
Two young adult smiling at each other while one typing on the laptop

Life Skills Coaching

Young male with a support worker sharing a laptop

School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)

Two males sitting at a desk talking in front of a laptop

Youth Coaching

Little girl with blonde pigtails sitting on the ground with her legs outstretched wearing leg brace devices on her lower legs, surrounded by toys

Assistive Technology
