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A small boy smiling on a swing while an older lady stands behind pushing him

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A baby in a hospital bed with medical sensors taped to her chest and face, smiling and playing on a computer device.

Meet Skylah – dancing superstar and chatterbox

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DJ Cooper sitting on the floor with arms folded over legs wearing a bright outfit.

Meet DJ Cooper Smith – on a mission to change the world, one tune at a time

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Nicholas Lapsley standing and smiling wearing a suit jacket and shirt

A different perspective on accessible travel   

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4 individual with CP looking toward the camera smiling

Cerebral Palsy Alliance launches pilot program to support young changemakers

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White woman with long black hair sitting down smiling with a butterfly and flowers in the background.

One krazy idea – Hannah’s story

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Great minds think differently

CPA Research Foundation grant round opens for 2023

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green handprint

Collections Notice – Client Records

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Nicholas Lapsley standing and smiling wearing a suit jacket and shirt

10 years of NDIS

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