The Remarkable team, smiling together for a photo at the awards

Remarkable Tech Wins ‘Impact Market Builder of the Year’ Award at Australian Impact Investment Awards 2023

“It was an honour to accept this award. It demonstrates our commitment to accelerating Disability Tech startups, investment and partnerships as part of our mission to create a world of opportunity, access and possibility for people with disability,” said Pete Horsley, Founder, Remarkable.  

“Innovation has always been driven by people with disability and we all benefit from it every single day. We’re just so happy to be part of the disability tech ecosystem and to assist in growing it globally,” added Pete.  

The awards were hosted by the Impact Investing Hub, an initiative of Social Impact Hub, an inclusive platform connecting impact investors, advisors, social enterprises, and charities to educational resources, a supportive community, and investment opportunities.  

The ‘Impact Market Builder of the Year’ award is a significant accolade awarded to organisations that excel in pushing sectoral thinking, fostering collaboration, and catalyse field development efforts. 

The presence of influential sponsors at the event highlights the growing importance and recognition of impact investing in the Australian landscape. The annual awards ceremony, supported by Platinum sponsor the Department of Social Services (DSS) and Gold Sponsor Alberts, also had backing from organisations such as Impact Investing Australia, Social Ventures Australia, the Centre for Social Finance Law, and the Impact Investment Summit Asia Pacific.  

The event featured keynote speaker the Hon. Dr. Andrew Leigh MP, Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities, Treasury, and Employment. Minister Leigh highlighted the critical role impact investing plays in driving positive social change in Australia.  

Cerebral Palsy Alliance and Remarkable’s success in winning the ‘Impact Market Builder of the Year’ demonstrates the commitment of the team to the acceleration of tech startup innovation and, investment.

Well done team Remarkable!