Our Impact

Since 2006, our research has contributed to a 40% reduction in the rate cerebral palsy in Australia as well as a decrease in severity.

Australia has one of the lowest rates and severities of cerebral palsy in the world.

Since 2006, our research has contributed to a 40% reduction in the rate of cerebral palsy in Australia as well as a decrease in severity. We are working hard to reduce this further.
Cerebral Palsy Alliance researchers are recognised as global leaders, collaborating with the community, doctors, allied and other health professionals as well as researchers around the world to spread this impact further.
We create evidence through research and implement evidence-based learning through our therapists that directly benefits babies, children and adults living with CP.
Our alliance is made up of a network of clients, employees, allied health teams, donors, advocates, researchers and entrepreneurs we work with every day. Each brings a unique perspective to the problems we are trying to solve.
We are the world's largest funders of cerebral palsy research. We lead, collaborate and award grants to specialists around the world in our quest to understand, prevent, and potentially, cure CP.


Drop in rate and decreased severity of babies born with CP since 1997-98.


Australian CP Register created. Surveys the incidence and prevalence of cerebral palsy, underpinning most research into the prevention and intervention of CP.

3 months

is the earliest age of CP diagnosis, average age is 19 months. Early diagnosis allows for interventions that can reduce the severity of CP.


Early Diagnosis Centres in NSW. Specialised clinics to fast-track diagnosis and deliver early intervention.

Key impacts

Find out more about the great minds behind our research

At Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute, more than 30 of the world's leading cerebral palsy experts collaborate with families, therapists and the CP community to make real change.

The CPA research team standing in a group together smiling

Driving change

Three males posing for a photo next to a CPActive banner


Shaping policy change to support equality, inclusivity, and diversity.
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World CP Day

A global movement started by CPA in 2012 reaching more than 10 million people each year.
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Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute

Established in 2005, the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute is now the world’s largest private funder of cerebral palsy research.
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Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation

Established a New York office in 2016.
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First stem cell trial

Leaders in stem cell research and accelerating new stem cell therapies into clinical trials.
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young boy looking down in wonder at 5 small animated characters standing on top of a ipad he is holding in his hands

My Voice Library

Capturing words through electronic play to develop communication technology for children with CP with dysarthria.
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Our impact in 2023

World-leading prevention, treatment and cure research

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reduction in the incidence of CP in a generation
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people with CP included in 2023 Australian CP Register Report
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Our researchers are in the top 1% of CP experts globally
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academic research papers published by CPA researchers

Giving all babies the best start in life

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babies supported in 3 Early Diagnosis Clinics
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babies accessed 3,740 hours of free early intervention therapy
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regional Early Diagnosis Clinic opened in the Hunter

Global impact

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$93+ million

invested in global research to date
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research grants across 48 countries
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institutions globally supported and over 408 researchers
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countries with established World CP Day
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Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation established in New York
The front cover of the CPA Research Report 2023

Cerebral Palsy Alliance 2023 Research Report

The 2023 report showcases CPA’s commitment to accelerating breakthroughs in cerebral palsy prevention and treatment. It is an invaluable resource for researchers, healthcare professionals, individuals and families who are living with CP.  

CPA 2023 Research Report