Lia sitting in her wheelchair holding a tennis racket

Meet Lia: a passionate advocate with the determination to climb mountains   

This is Lia. She is a passionate advocate for the rights of people living with disability and a long-term client of CPA. Whether it’s playing tennis, taking the events industry by storm or climbing mountains, Lia approaches every task with impressive determination. Her commitment to her goals is absolute. 

Lia credits her achievements in large part to the strong support system of CPA staff, family and friends that she has built around her. She worked with her Exercise Physiologist Ange to build  strength in order to live out one of her biggest dreams; to walk into her high school formal. The training required months of work and commitment but when the day came, it was all worth it. Lia still remembers it as one of the most emotional and important moments of her life. Since then, she has been working closely with Lauren from the CPA to build and maintain strength and to achieve a range of new goals. 

“I like setting goals and having that goal to achieve and it’s difficult but once I achieve that goal it’s amazing to see me just being able to lead the best life that I can live.” 

Since she was in school, Lia has understood the importance of educating people about disability and her personal experiences as a young woman living with cerebral palsy. At 24 years old, she has continued to do so and is paving the way for a better, more inclusive world. She has been an ambassador for STEPtember, took part in the Krazy Kosci Klimb and is a fixture of the CPActive team, advocating for people with a disability.   

“Just because we have a disability doesn’t mean that we can’t do everything that everyone else can do, we just need extra support and a bigger team around us to achieve our hopes and dreams.” 

Lia is committed to being an agent of positive change and she has proven that when she puts her mind to something, anything is possible. We can’t wait to see what she achieves next.  

This is the magic that can happen when

Great minds think differently!