while male wearing glasses, a black suit, a stethoscope around his neck, on a blue background, surrouended by a halo of illustrations

Mark Tracy is an inventor who aims to help 10 million babies a year breathe easier  

Mark is a modern-day superhero, saving babies' lives one genius tech invention at a time. Mark isn’t alone in his triumphs. With the help of industry-leading researchers, tech entrepreneurs and the Remarkable team, funded by Cerebral Palsy Alliance (CPA), babies are given a second chance to see a brighter future.

“I am amazed at the different researchers and tech entrepreneurs that are working with and assisted by CPA. It is the most amazing group of people with a single goal of helping families, babies and children both with prevention and treatments, and it is gobsmacking how wonderful it is to be a part of that diverse team.” 

When babies are in the hands of Mark, miracles happen. He has been at the forefront of the latest resuscitation invention ‘Resus-Right’, a device that will assist clinicians to perform successful resuscitations on children and change the lives of up 10 million babies a year. He really does put MARK in REMARKABKLE and without the team at Cerebral Palsy Alliance this revolutionary journey wouldn’t be made possible. 

“The Remarkable program is well named. It is simply extraordinary. It allows a variety of peoples with all sorts of ideas to come together to build new tech for people who need it, for people with disability and it’s an extraordinary organisation, we have learnt so much going through the program.” 

Every superhero has their favourite mission and for Mark his collaboration with Cerebral Palsy Alliance has been the pinnacle of his career. With sidekick Remarkable, his invention brings research to the bedside. 

“The highlights of my research career have been getting the Cerebral Palsy Alliance research grants that have enabled the ResusRight company and our device to see it in the hands of the doctors and nurses to improve their resuscitation skills.” 

So, what’s Mark’s next mission? To create a world where no baby dies or is left with preventable disability. ResusRight is now selling the training monitor and they’re about to conduct the world’s first human trial of the clinical device at Westmead this year. The next step is to go global – helping children and families around the world, by making the lifesaving device affordable – as sadly 99% of the babies that either die or survive birth resuscitation with disability are in low- and middle-income countries.   With the support of Cerebral Palsy Alliance anything is possible.  

This is the magic that can happen when

Great minds think differently!