Madison Paton

Madison’s stem cell research offers hope for the future

This is Madison. She is making waves as an expert in stem cell research, working alongside the team at Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Madison views research as a way to serve our community and works tirelessly to find safe, evidence-based and effective therapies to improve the lives of people living with cerebral palsy.

“I’m excited to be doing research that matters to our community. Stem cells and cell therapies are such an exciting area of research. Every week we get lots of families emailing us asking where the research is up to, what’s happening in this space and how they can get involved.”

Madison and the research team work closely with other areas of expertise at Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Whether it’s informing therapy teams of the most recent practices backed by rigorous research, identifying knowledge gaps or working alongside fundraising and communications to advocate for the necessary work at the Research Institute, these connections across the organisation are crucial.

“In order for our research to have the biggest impact we need to be able to collaborate. The magic really happens in teams.”

Madison is working to create more opportunities for people living with cerebral palsy to participate meaningfully in the research space. Following Australia’s first clinical trial in umbilical cord blood for cerebral palsy, she hopes that this has set the precedent for future trials and research into the potential of stem cells.

“My dream is to have safe and effective stem cell treatments available for people with cerebral palsy. This looks like more research, more clinical trials, funding, families involved. We’re really working on this to improve the lives of people with cerebral palsy.”

Madison’s work is paving the way for growth and innovation in the research around treatments and even potential cures for cerebral palsy.

This is the magic that can happen when

Great minds think differently.