Girl with skatboard and helmet on orange background with halo of illustrations

Eve’s life motto is “If I fall down I’ll get up again”

This is Eve. If there’s an extra-curricular activity to take part in, she’s there. Whether it’s surf lifesaving, soccer, basketball, karate or cycling, Eve does it all. Her biggest passion, though, is skateboarding. There’s nothing she loves more than learning to land a new trick.   

When she was born, doctors told Eve’s parents that she wouldn’t survive. When she proved them wrong, they said she would grow up without a typical personality and wouldn’t be able to feel emotions. Now, at eight years old, there are few children whose personality radiates as powerfully as Eve’s. She’s in the business of defying expectations.    

“In NICU, we were told that she wouldn’t survive once the machines were turned off and she was extubated. That was an incredible moment when she did. Going back to that moment, it was almost like a rebirth,” said Hiam, Eve’s mum. 

Eve benefitted from early intervention and diagnosis, having her first therapy appointment at only 11 weeks old. She was one of the first infants to go through the General Movement Assessment, receiving her diagnosis of cerebral palsy at 3 months. Cerebral Palsy Alliance has been at the core of Eve’s journey, providing the tools and services needed for her to pursue her goals.   

“I love that CPA has so many divisions like the Research Institute, Remarkable, Lifestyles,  Accommodation, therapy and within each of those there is so much diversity. Cerebral palsy is such an umbrella term for different things that there’s no way we’re ever going to be able to make strides forward if we don’t come at this problem from a multitude of angles in an inclusive way that invites so many brilliant minds to come to the table, said Hiam, Eve’s mum.” 

Eve has a steadfast support system in her mum, Hiam and dad, Joe and brother, Ryan who cheer her on in every endeavour. For her most recent birthday party, she was able to write the names of all her friends on their party bags. It was a big moment for her mum.  

“For her to be able to write letters, for me, was a magic moment. It has taken us a long time to get to that point. She’s behind kids in her age group but always there’s progress, always there’s little milestones that she hits.” 

Eve’s newest goal is mastering riding her bike without the training wheels. While this is a moment that fills most parents with dread, according to her mum, Eve’s life motto is “If I fall down, I’ll just get back up again”. Whether its school or every sport under the sun, Eve has proven that when she puts her mind to something, she can do anything.   

This is the magic that can happen when

Great minds think differently!