Cerebral Palsy Alliance client Braeden Jones revealed as IDPwD ambassador for 2022!

Exciting news – there is a face familiar to many in the Cerebral Palsy Alliance community among the 2022 ambassadors for the International Day of People with Disabilities!

Six prominent Australian disability advocates have been named as ambassadors for IDPwD, an official annual day of awareness by the United Nations celebrating themes of community, accessibility and inclusion.

The six are: disability and gender equity activist Akii Ngo, motivational speaker and filmmaker Nathan Basha, Heartbreak High star Chloe Hayden, author and musician Eliza Hull, Indigenous elder with cerebral palsy Uncle Wilfred Prince and Braeden, his mum Julie and the Jones family.

A life-long client of CPA, Braeden’s experiences as a non-verbal wheelchair user has inspired him and his family to share their experiences through their social media account, Have Wheelchair Will Travel, and Travel Without Limits, Australia’s only travel magazine for people with disability.

Braeden and Julie will use their platform to continue to advocate for change in the tourism and travel industries through inclusive facilities, accessible experiences and truly inclusive offerings.

Read more about Have Wheelchair Will Travel and IDPwD here

At Cerebral Palsy Alliance, we’ve got exciting plans to mark IDPwD 2022 – stay tuned for further exciting news ahead of the big day on Saturday December 3rd!