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Advocacy & Influence

Becoming a champion for changes that matter

At Cerebral Palsy Alliance we promote inclusion and positive change.

We use our knowledge to shape policy change that supports equality, inclusivity and diversity. This includes advocating for a better National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for all Australians, and for better systems for people with cerebral palsy (CP) in health, education and employment.

We also see an important opportunity to raise awareness of CP globally. We want to increase recognition of CP and make it a priority health issue across the globe. We also want to help build the capacity and power of the global CP community, helping to ensure people living with CP can access, participate and contribute to society.

Based around a human rights framework, we will influence and advocate by:

  • building the advocacy capacity of the CP community;
  • creating connections and partnerships;
  • sharing knowledge and resources;
  • co-designing policy reforms and future solutions.

The issues we seek to raise awareness and reform on include access and equity, inclusion, education, community participation and employment.  These are issues people with CP have told us are important to them. 

We organise this activity under three pillars: Empower, Lead and Partner.

A life changing movement

Our new TV ad showcases our alliance of great minds.


We empower by working with our community to bring issues that matter to the forefront. We do this through our CPActive community, youth leadership training and World CP Day.
Tahlia Blanshard speaking to the media


Campaigning for change
CPActive is led by a group of people with lived experience of CP – CPActive champions – who are driving improvements to barriers they have identified. It is a grassroots and community-led advocacy platform that brings together people with cerebral palsy and similar disabilities, their families, disability workers and allies who are passionate about creating positive policy change for people with disabilities.

Through fully accessible events and networks, CPActive encourages public conversations and campaigns on key issues affecting the lives of the CP and disability community.

World Cerebral Palsy Day

Awareness & celebration
World Cerebral Palsy Day on 6 October brings together people living with cerebral palsy, their families, allies, supporters and organisations across more than 100 countries.

Each year, the World CP Day campaign helps to educate new audiences about the unique experiences of the 17+ million people living with cerebral palsy and celebrate their contributions.

The awareness day also equips communities with the tools and resources they need locally to campaign for the changes they wish to see.


We lead the disability sector through our work with Alliance20 and other global CP advocacy movements.
CPActive members with attendees and panel members at the NDIS review

Government and policy

Putting CP back on the political agenda
We advocate tirelessly for changes to government policy and legislation that will unlock a more accessible and equitable society for people with disabilities. An important part of this is by elevating the voices of our community through submissions to government taskforces and inquiries.
A lady with short brown hair smiling, sitting in a wheelchair in front of an easel painting


Strengthening the NDIS
Alliance20 brings together Australia’s largest disability service providers across the country to advocate solutions which strengthen the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for participants and deliver better services and outcomes for participants.


We partner with other CP specialist organisations to extend our reach and advocacy though our work with the My CP guide and the ANZ CP Strategy.
myCP Guide logo

my CP Guide

My CP Guide is an extensive website resource for families at all stages of their CP journey. It helps to find credible, reliable information from around the world.

Australia and New Zealand Cerebral Palsy strategy logo

ANZ CP Strategy

The ANZ CP Strategy is a targeted Australian and New Zealand Cerebral Palsy Strategy to raise the profile of this condition at both a societal and political level within both countries.  It reflects a united voice informed by people with cerebral palsy, their families, professionals and researchers across Australia and New Zealand.