Treasure Island Group

A goal directed training program that uses play to retrain the brain.

Treasure Island Group is an intensive 9-day program for children aged 3-5 years with hemiplegia (or monoplegia), that involves the rehabilitation of the weaker arm while restricting the stronger arm in a hand mitt or arm sling.

CIMT leverages the latest research around neuroplasticity of the brain, which has shown that improvements are lasting, with follow-up studies being done 6 months to 2 years after a program has completed.

The program is delivered in fun, play-based, pirate-themed activities and games that are designed to engage and strengthen your child’s affected arm, and is run by experienced occupational therapists who provide quality therapy techniques in a fun environment that will also help your child build self-esteem, self-confidence and develop friendships.

Register your interest today!

Contact us directly or complete the form below to enquire.

What does it involve?

Treasure Island Group includes a total of 56 hours of service:

  • 45 hours of one-on-one* therapy in a group setting runs over nine days
  • 11 hours of one-on-one pre-assessment, goal setting and post-assessment meetings, parent coaching, and an NDIS service summary report for your NDIS planning meeting
  • Play and fine motor skill-based unilateral activities encouraging the use of the affected upper limb
  • Goal-directed bimanual activities of daily living
  • A custom-designed home program to further develop their skills at home
  • Coaching for you to maximise the benefits of the home program
  • Reassessment at the end to see how much your child has progressed

*Group ratio is two children to one therapist however, each child will be supported one-on-one throughout the entire program alternating between an occupational therapist, allied health assistant, and a 3rd or 4th year allied health student.

What are the outcomes?
Who is the program for?
  • Children aged 3-5 years
  • Children with hemiplegia or monoplegia (the program only focuses on the affected upper limb)
  • Children who are able to understand and follow simple instructions and are comfortable in a group environment

Register your interest today!

Contact us directly or complete the form below to enquire.

This service is available at

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Ryde centre

Ryde centre

3A Smalls Rd, Ryde NSW 2112
Read more

This service can be funded by your NDIS package

  • Capacity Building - Improved Daily Living (Category 15)

Suitable age groups

Enquiry form

We will respond as soon as possible, between Monday-Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm