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Daryyl Chiu at the Holland Bloorview Research Institute and a map with Toronto circled in red.

CPA Assistive Tech newsletter – Holland Bloorview Research Institute in Toronto, Canada

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Alistair McEwan

CPA Assistive Tech Newsletter – Get to know Professor Alistair McEwan

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transfer systems

Transfer Systems: A novel way to transfer people

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New research tests wearable sensors for children with cerebral palsy

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Global cerebral palsy community comes together to mark tenth anniversary of World Cerebral Palsy Day

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Remarkable alumni triumph at 2022 Good Design Awards

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Why the tide is turning and disabled voices are finally being heard

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Alex helps students make a difference with STEM adaptive fashion design

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Darryl Chiu

CPA Assistive Technology researchers: Darryl Chiu

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Centre of Research Excellence grant to boost early treatment of cerebral palsy

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