Cerebral Palsy Treatment Guides

The latest research evidence from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research
The Cerebral Palsy Treatment Guides have been developed for people living with cerebral palsy, parents, carers, allied health and medical practitioners. Each guide provides information based on the latest research evidence from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research and across the world, about the most effective interventions.

These guides are organised into age groups to provide information about the range of different needs at various stages of development. They include the most effective ways to promote motor function, mobility, learning, communication and social skills, as well as how to manage secondary conditions (e.g. pain, muscle tone, musculoskeletal issues, sleep, epilepsy, hips).

These guides can be used to:

  • Support conversations with funding agencies, support coordinators, service providers and therapists
  • Help you access the right interventions, at the right time, and in the right amount
  • Assist you with confidently choosing interventions and services that are supported by high quality evidence
A mother wearing a hijab holding her bay in her arms

Early assessment and diagnosis of cerebral palsy

A guide for parents and caregivers
a young boy smiling while in a therapy session

Early Intervention Therapy

A guide for parents of babies and children aged 0-2 with cerebral palsy
Asian girl with her mother holding a flower in the playground

Early Intervention Therapy for Pre-Schoolers

A guide for parents of children aged 3-6 with cerebral palsy
Young boy in a school uniform

Therapy and support for school-age children

A guide for parents of children aged 7-12 with cerebral palsy
Four young people wearing swimwear and goggles standing together after swimming

Therapy and other supports for adolescents with cerebral palsy

A guide for teenagers with cerebral palsy
a teen wearing a helmet in the bush land

Therapy and other supports for teenagers

A guide for parents of 13 to 17 year olds with cerebral palsy
Young lady sitting in a chair, looking to her left and smiling

Therapy and other supports for people with cerebral palsy

A guide for adults with cerebral palsy
Young lady sitting in a chair, looking to her left and smiling

Therapy and other supports for adults with cerebral palsy

Easy English Guide for adults

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