A mother sitting in a playroom with her toddler son on her lap building with blocks

Research study: Early Natural History of CP

CPA researchers are conducting the first-ever global study of how CP develops in the first two years of life, to understand how infants with CP develop in many areas, such as movement, thinking and communication.

A team of Cerebral Palsy Alliance researchers would like to measure key aspects of child development in the first 2 years of life for children with, or at-risk of, cerebral palsy. In doing so, it will help us understand development during this period so that we can tailor therapy and services to maximise positive developmental outcomes.

What is the study about?

It is important to understand how children with, or at-risk of, cerebral palsy develop over the first two years of life. It will enable us to better plan therapy and services in order to maximise their development and long-term outcomes. We also are working with partners in countries overseas to collect the same study information from babies around the world. The findings from this study will also contribute to future research in this area.

This is the first study of how cerebral palsy develops before two years. It will significantly contribute to our knowledge of development in this group and help us to plan treatment now and in the future. Your involvement will help us to achieve this.

Your participation in this study will give you access to timely assessment information to better plan therapy for your child. If there is a problem identified in any of the assessments, experienced therapists will refer you to relevant health professionals.

Who is eligible to participate?

Infants under the age of 12 months who have a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, or are at high risk of having cerebral palsy, are eligible to enrol in this study.

What does the study involve?

If you consent to be part of this study, you and your child will undergo a number of assessments across a maximum of six appointments until your child has had their second birthday.

Participation in this study will not cost you anything. The study is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council and Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation.


To register your interest in taking part in this study, get in touch with:

Monica Toohey – Senior Research Therapist and Physiotherapist

0448 095 670



Dr Cathy Morgan – Program Lead, Early Diagnosis & Early Intervention

0408 205 542
