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Quinn and her mum Alicia, smiling together for a photo
July 9, 2024

Frame running has given Quinn freedom and her family hope

“Being told there was never a possibility of Quinn walking to her now being able to run is fantastic. I’m gob smacked at how wonderful this frame running opportunity has been.”

Mum, Alicia first heard about frame running from a friend who told her to check it out at CPA Kingswood for her three year old daughter, Quinn. Who knew then that this sport was to become so important in transforming the family’s lives – from fear about Quinn’s future to hope and happiness.

Frame running is an innovative sport designed for kids and adults with a disability who have impaired balance and are unable to run. The frames are individually adjusted to each person’s needs so they can participate in running activities with their friends, while building strength, fitness and independence.

The same day Alicia heard about frame running she spoke to Rex Chan, physiotherapist at CPA Kingswood, who thought the group program was a great opportunity for Quinn, who has spina bifida.

“Quinn’s been doing frame running now for one term and she’s absolutely loving it. It gives her the freedom to roam free and it’s build her confidence and social skills being involved with this group of kids,” commented Alicia.

Two young children using frame runners in a gym
Quinn, smiling and running using her frame runner in a gym

Before attending frame running Quinn wasn’t really able to communicate what she wanted and Quinn’s mum and dad were fearful about what Quinn’s life would be like for her.  Frame Running has given her parents a sense of hope that she is able to have a community get behind her and support her. Now she’s telling her mum every week she wants to go to frame running and see Rex, her teacher. 

“The Frame Running Program is a highlight of the week for me. I enjoy seeing all the children having fun with each other and their families whilst working hard on their individual movement and fitness goals. It’s been great to see Quinn progress this term, she’s come on leaps and bounds. We always have a great time!” said Rex Chan, CPA physiotherapist.

Rex and Jess from the CPA team, smiling together in a gymnasium
Image: Rex Chan and Jess from the CPA team

As well as improving her communication Alicia said that Quinn’s mobility has drastically improved during the term. She can see a significant difference in the way she walks and is more confident in how she moves.

“Quinn’s father and I are so grateful for the opportunity frame running has provided. Seeing our little girl be surrounded by genuine people like Rex Chang and his team has provided us with a sense of accomplishment that we did the right thing by her,” said Alicia.


Enquire about the frame running program today