Eva Kalpidis sitting in her wheelchair on top of a snowy mountain peak holding a weet-bix flag

Eva’s the new Weet-Bix Kid in town

One of our amazing clients, Eva Kalpidis, is fronting a national ad campaign as the new Weet-Bix Kid!

Eva Kalpidis, who has been part of the CPA family since she was 18 months old, is one of the faces of #Shift20, a new project launched by the Dylan Alcott Foundation to increase representation of people with disabilities.

13-year old Eva participated in the 2023 Krazy Kosci Klimb, reaching the summit of Australia’s highest peak in record time, she raised $100,000 for CP research in the process.

Eva looks to continue to support and inspire many more kids to realise their limitless potential, summiting Mt Everest as a Weet-Bix Kid. She’s the hero of a TV ad that re-casts a role formerly played by a non-disabled person to demonstrate the importance of disability representation.

One in five Australians have a disability, but only 1% of ads globally feature a person with disability – more than a dozen of Australia’s biggest brands the Shift20 campaign features more than a dozen of Australia’s biggest brands to create a more inclusive future.

Though she was told from an early age that she would never be able to walk or talk, she demonstrated a passion and determination to defy the odds. Eva supports her own limitless potential with a daily mantra,

“I am beautiful, I am amazing and I can do anything and I’m the Weet-Bix Kid”.

Find out more about the campaign and see Eva’s amazing ad on the Shift20 website.