A team of of teenagers in sports clothes looking at smiling at the camera

Changes to therapy and sports group programs 2024

Dear clients,

As you may know, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIA) regularly updates the arrangements for providers regarding program types and billing structures for the provision of supports for participants who are funded under the NDIS. The NDIA has updated the options for the provision of group programs that are funded under the NDIS – this is called Program of Support.

What this change means for you

More information

More information on program of supports can be found on the NDIS website.

We’re here to help
Your Client Services Consultant will contact you over the next week to discuss how this change will impact your service agreements for 2024. If you have any questions in the meantime please contact us on 1300 888 378 or email ask@cerebralpalsy.org.au

Kind regards,

Paul Henderson
Chief Operating Officer, CPA

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As of 1 January 2024, Cerebral Palsy Alliance will deliver group therapy and sports programs as Program of Support. The NDIA outlines specific guidelines around the operating, invoicing and withdrawal (cancelling) from Program of Support, which differ from how we have operated our group programs in the past.

  • Program of Support Withdrawal:We have updated our cancellation, withdrawal and no-show guidelines to reflect the change. See updated Cancellation Guidelines.
  • To withdraw from a Program of Support, we require two weeks’ notice in writing. Supports delivered as part of a program of support is not subject to the short notice or notice given cancellation rules.
  • Service Agreement and Acceptance:Service agreements will outline the program of support including the group ratio and commitment by CPA to be goal focused. Non face to face and indirect supports will continue to be charged at an hourly basis and will include all non face to face supports and client planning related to a program of support.

In moving to a Program of Support we can offer consistency, and sustainability of our group programs to give you certainty of charges and the commitment to delivering individual outcomes through group-based supports.

Frequently asked questions

A program of support is an individually agreed upon group-based program. The group support is clearly defined including the group ratio, duration not longer than 12 weeks and commitment by CPA to be goal focused.

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has introduced some changes to Community and Centre Based Group based Supports.  The NDIA outlines specific guidelines around the operating, invoicing and withdrawal (cancelling) from Program of Support, which differ from how CPA have operated our group programs in the past. These changes and guidelines include the following

  • Program of Support Withdrawal: CPA has updated our cancellation, withdrawal and no-show guidelines to reflect this, Cancellation Guidelines. To withdraw from a Program of Support, CPA requires two (2) weeks’ notice in writing.  Supports delivered as part of a program of support is not subject to the short notice or notice given cancellation rules.
  • Service Agreement and Acceptance: Service agreements will outline the program of support including the group ratio and commitment by CPA to be goal focused. Non face to face and indirect supports will continue to be charged at an hourly basis and will include all non-face-to- face supports and client planning related to a program of support.

CPA can offer consistency, and sustainability of our group programs to give you certainty of charges and the commitment to delivering individual outcomes through group-based supports.

More information on program of supports can be found on the NDIS website.

There are no changes to the way we charge you for the group supports you receive, except that you will be making a commitment to a Program of Support in (up to) 12-week blocks and this will be detailed in your Service Agreement. If you were purchasing a service that is charged a t a Community (Sports) or Therapy rate, there may be a change to the total amount you pay under a program of support model. Non-face-to-face and indirect supports will continue to be charged at an hourly basis and will include all non-face-to-face supports and client planning related to a program of support.

No, each Program of Support has a set duration with a maximum length of up to 12 weeks. The length of weeks will depend on the program and is based on evidence best practice. The length of the program will be detailed in your Service Agreement. 

The changes come into effect on 1 January 2024.

This is the role of a Support Coordinator, family member or someone in your support network. Your Client Services Consultant can give you details about your services for a Plan Review and Therapists can provide a service review document, but this does not initiate or complete a Review to NDIA.

Yes, you will be required to give two weeks’ notice if you wish to exit a Program of Support. The updated cancellation guidelines are here Cancellation-Guidelines

Yes, you will be charged for your Program of Supports as the group sessions continue to be delivered. The short notice cancellation rules do not apply for Programs of Support. Under the Pricing arrangements and limits, providers may claim for supports that a participant has agreed to attend, whether they do attend, this includes emergency and exceptional circumstances.  

CPA will not charge you for the cost of the session or the indirect time associated with the session.

You will need to contact your Client Services Consultant in writing and provide  2 weeks’ notice to exit from a program of support.

You can reach out to your Support Coordinator, Plan Manager or your Client Services Consultant.