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MyCPA app

Managing your therapy services has never been easier
phone screen displaying the MyCPA app booking screen
phone screen displaying the MyCPA app booking screen
phone screen displaying the MyCPA app booking screen
phone screen displaying the MyCPA app booking screen

Features of MyCPA

View, manage and track your services

Clients and families often have to juggle busy lives and a busy schedule of appointments. To make it easier for clients to manage their appointments with Cerebral Palsy Alliance, CPA has introduced an app called MyCPA.

MyCPA can be downloaded on your mobile or laptop, making it easy to manage appointments on the go. Talk to your Client Services Consultant (CSC) about getting started on MyCPA.

Getting started on MyCPA

The upcoming appointment screen for the MyCpa app

What people say about MyCPA

“My first impression of MyCPA was its simplicity. I liked that you could email your CSC or call the centre straight from the app.” Michelle, Client Services

“I love the calendar on the front with the appointments (my daughter) has. And it’s great seeing the names of the therapists and all her services in one spot. It’s so easy to see what’s going on in her life - and it’s lovely seeing the notes after each session.” Rene, parent of client.

Frequently asked questions

If you haven’t received a welcome email already, please contact your Client Services Consultant who will be able to help you.

MyCPA supports mainly therapy services, and will expand to other services in the future.

Reset your password by

  • clicking here
  • follow the prompts and the password reset instructions will be sent to you
  • if you are still having trouble, contact your Client Services Consultant

Please check the following

  • your junk/spam folder
  • that the email address you entered is your registered email address with Cerebral Palsy Alliance – if in doubt, contact your Client Services Consultant

From the home screen, you can use the dropdown menu to select the other people you represent 

You can also switch between the people you represent by clicking in the top right corner of the screen and selecting the relevant person you wish to view

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