Goal directed training

A young girl riding a bike in a gym

Goal Directed Training Therapy Helping you achieve goals that are important to you Enquire now Call 1300 888 378 Do you have a goal that is important to you? A goal that would improve your everyday life or inclusion in activities you want to do with family, friends or peers? Goal directed training (GDT) is […]

Therapy, Health and Wellbeing Services

Young girl in a floral dress and red headband standing next to her therapist who is sitting on the ground, throwing something up in the air and catching it

Helping you stay healthy and well through therapy and exercise Enquire now Call 1300 888 378 Therapy improves movement, mobility, communication, and overall wellbeing. It’s important at every age to help you live as independently as possible. Our skilled therapists work together to support your goals via:  In-person appointments  Group programs  Intensive programs  Online therapy […]

School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)

Helping young people build skills and confidence to transition from school to employment Enquire now Call 1300 888 378 Are you finishing school, recently graduated, looking to learn new skills, or ready to find a job? Cerebral Palsy Alliance’s (CPA’s) School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) can help you transition smoothly from school to employment. NDIS […]

Occupational Therapy

Helping you live more independently Enquire now Call 1300 888 378 Our NDIS Registered Occupational Therapists provide expert support so you can be as independent as possible in your everyday life. How we can help We offer evidence-based occupational therapy interventions for cerebral palsy and similar disabilities, including:  Developing fine motor skills (using your hands)  […]


Helping you move and stay active Enquire Call 1300 888 378 Physiotherapists help people with cerebral palsy and similar disabilities improve movement, strength, and mobility. They support children and adults to learn new skills, improve existing skills, and take part in everyday activities, including sport and recreation. How we can help A physiotherapist will assess […]

Speech Pathology

A young lady in a wheelchair with a support worker

Helping people with cerebral palsy communicate and eat safely Enquire now Call 1300 888 378 Speech therapy helps children and adults with cerebral palsy improve communication, speech, and swallowing. Our speech pathologists support people of all ages with speech difficulties, language development, and safe eating and drinking. How we can help Our speech pathology services […]

Going to School

A young Asian girl

Enquire now Call 1300 888 378 We’ll be there to support your child right through their school years. Access the right advice to help them succeed and participate in everything that school life has to offer. One-on-one support or group programs available, including: School readiness and specialist groups to help your child develop the skills […]

Mighty Kids Group

A goal directed training program that supports children reach their everyday goals. Enquire now Call 1300 888 378 Mighty Kids Group is a functional, activities-based intensive intervention approach designed specifically for children with disability.   The program provides 1:1 intensive practice with a therapist, who will adapt and change tasks specifically to each child, to enable […]

Early Diagnosis Clinic – Cerebral Palsy

baby Jetson sitting smiling to the camera with the green CPA brand behind him.

Getting the right diagnosis early means starting the right support early Contact us Call 1300 888 378 Refer to clinic Early Diagnosis of cerebral palsy A diagnosis of cerebral palsy can now be made for children under 6 months of age. Babies’ brains develop more rapidly in the first 1000 days of their life than […]

Intensive Therapy Programs

a group of kids in frame runners with some of the Sydney swan players

Why intensive therapy? Based on the principles of neuroplasticity and latest international research our intensive programs enable children to accelerate learning and skill development across a range of life areas. Our intensive group programs include HABIT-ILE, Mighty Kids, Treasure Island CIMT, for pre-school and school aged children who experience challenges with fine and gross motor […]