Goal directed training

A young girl riding a bike in a gym

Goal Directed Training Therapy Helping you achieve goals that are important to you Contact us today to book goal directed training Call 1300 888 378 Email us Enquiry form Do you have a goal that is important to you? A goal that would improve your everyday life or inclusion in activities you want to do […]

Therapy, Health and Wellbeing

Young girl in a floral dress and red headband standing next to her therapist who is sitting on the ground, throwing something up in the air and catching it

We help clients to stay healthy and well through therapy and sport Therapy plays an important role Therapy helps to improve movement, mobility and communication. While early intervention therapy can improve outcomes for children, it’s also important to improve your health and wellbeing at every stage of your life. The therapy services we offer include […]

Life Skills Coaching

Two young adult smiling at each other while one typing on the laptop

Do you have a road map for your future? Our life skills coaches will support you to identify your needs, set goals and plan the way ahead. Life Skills Coaching is a service for 18-30 years to create and implement a life plan for education, self development and career. We’ll support the skill and personal […]

School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)

Young male with a support worker sharing a laptop

School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES), is designed to support young people in their final year of school and those that have left school, to make a successful transition from school to employment. Explore your post school options with CPA CPA’s School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) offering includes a wide choice of options to help young […]

Assistive Technology

Little girl with blonde pigtails sitting on the ground with her legs outstretched wearing leg brace devices on her lower legs, surrounded by toys

Assistive technology (AT) means products, equipment, and systems that support people with a disability to take part in everyday life. The right AT can empower and transform lives. Access to the right support to help you choose AT is important to ensure that it meets your needs. Our therapists can help you choose AT to […]

Occupational Therapy

a client with his a mum and a therapist

Occupational therapists provide expert support so you can be as independent as possible in your everyday life. We love a challenge! Working with you and your network of family and carers, occupational therapists offer: Supporting the development of fine motor (hand) skills Creative ideas to help make daily living easier for example, dressing or independent […]


A young boy doing some exercises with his therapist

Physiotherapists work with people with cerebral palsy and similar conditions to develop new motor skills, improve or maintain existing skills and abilities, and support participation in sport and recreation and leisure activities. A physiotherapists will assess how you move and identify factors that limit the achievement of your goals. Working with you and your support […]

Speech Pathology

A young lady in a wheelchair with a support worker

Our speech pathologists are experts in addressing challenges with communication, eating, drinking and swallowing. Working with you and your support network, our speech pathologists offer: Advice on improving and maintaining skills in the areas of communication, language development and literacy Advice on improving and maintaining abilities in eating and drinking Support in the areas of […]

Going to School

A young Asian girl

We’ll be there to support your child right through their school years. Access the right advice to help them succeed and participate in everything that school life has to offer. One-on-one support or group programs available, including: School readiness and specialist groups to help your child develop the skills they need at school Information and […]

Early Diagnosis Clinic – Cerebral Palsy

baby Jetson sitting smiling to the camera with the green CPA brand behind him.

Getting the right diagnosis early means starting the right support early Early Diagnosis of cerebral palsy A diagnosis of cerebral palsy can now be made for children under 6 months of age. Babies’ brains develop more rapidly in the first 1000 days of their life than at any other time. Getting the right diagnosis early […]