CPA Gift Acceptance Statement

Cerebral Palsy Alliance relies on individual, philanthropic and corporate support to deliver our mission and to pursue our organisation’s vision, a world of opportunity for people with cerebral palsy and similar disabilities, and their families.

As a member of the Fundraising Institute of Australia (FIA), CPA is required to act in adherence to the FIA Code of Conduct. The Code is a self-regulatory code of conduct for fundraising in Australia, informed by the International Statement of Ethical principles in Fundraising. The code outlines standards of compliance and ethical conduct, as well as the principles governing interactions with donors, beneficiaries and suppliers.

CPA partners with organisations that engage responsibly with their customers and the community. 

In unique situations CPA may decline to accept donations when the individual or organisation:

  • does not align with CPA brand and values
  • is or has been involved with illegal activities
  • is deemed to have a direct negative impact on people with cerebral palsy
  • is deemed to be inconsistent with current public sentiment, as it relates to people with cerebral palsy