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NDIS: Frequently asked questions

We know the NDIS can be complex, so we’ve answered the most common questions people have about the NDIS.

If you don’t find your question answered, contact us and we will try to help you.

Frequently asked questions

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the name for the system that provides support for eligible people with permanent and significant disability, their families and their carers.

Yes. Cerebral Palsy Alliance is a registered provider under NDIS.

People who meet the following criteria may be able to access the NDIS:

  • Have a permanent and significant disability that affects your ability to take part in everyday activities
  • Are under 65 years of age when you first access the scheme
  • Are an Australian citizen, a permanent resident or a New Zealand citizen who holds a Protected Special Category Visa.

If you are not sure you meet the criteria, contact us or phone 
1300 888 378 (Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm) or email us at for information about services and supports available in NSW and the ACT.

Yes. One of the goals of the NDIS is to enable choice and control for people with a disability.

Under NDIS we offer:

  • Assistance preparing you for your yearly NDIS planning meeting
  • Assistance going to school
  • Assistance finding a job
  • Assistive technology, mobility and customised seating
  • Behaviour support
  • CP Check-UPTM
  • Early Childhood Intervention
  • Exercise physiology and physical wellbeing services
  • Lifestyle supports
  • Therapy support
  • Accommodation support services

Use the NDIS Access Checklist tool to find out if you are able to receive assistance from the NDIS.

Cerebral Palsy Alliance offers a free Preparation and Support Meeting with one of our expert staff to help you prepare for your NDIA planning meeting.

For more information, call 1800 888 378 for an appointment.

A participant’s funding is divided into two parts – fixed supports and flexible supports.

Fixed supports will need to be spent on specified supports such as equipment, home modifications and certain types of early childhood intervention and therapy services. Generally speaking, “fixed supports” are those services deemed necessary to ensure participants’ goals or desired outcomes can be met, or those which require certain skills or qualifications from the provider involved. For example, if a certain amount is allocated for a new power wheelchair, it will need to be spent on a new power wheelchair.

Flexible supports include funding for recreational, community access and home-based support activities. They will be funded in more general terms, enabling participants to switch funding from one item to another, depending on their personal needs from week to week.

Supports that are NOT funded, under any circumstances, include those that are:

  • likely to cause harm to the participant or pose a risk to others
  • unrelated to the participant’s disability
  • duplicate other supports provided under alternative funding
  • part of day-to-day living expenses incurred by the general public and not related to disability support needs (e.g. rent, groceries, household bills)
  • related in any way to income replacement

Contact us. We have been involved with the NDIS since the first NDIS trial site was set up in the Hunter in 2013. We have unmatched experience in helping people who have physical and neurological conditions and their families and carers prepare for their first meeting with their National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) representative. So, contact us or call 1300 888 378 for an appointment.

To find out more, watch this video or head to the NDIS website.


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