An independent young adult woman with cerebral palsy going about some of her daily routines. She rides her wheelchair up a ramp in her specially equipped van, preparing to drive to her job.

Insights on Car Accessibility and Autonomous Vehicles for People with Cerebral Palsy: Survey

We are a multi-stakeholder research team, including people with lived experience, engineers and researchers conducting a research study about barriers to driving and car accessibility for people with cerebral palsy. We would love to hear your experiences about how we can improve the driving experience.

Who can participate? We are looking for participants who have cerebral palsy and are 18 years and older.

What’s involved? We invite you to fill out a 15-30 minute survey where you will be asked to identify what you find difficult about driving and car accessibility, as well as your thoughts about the use of autonomous vehicles (driverless cars).The survey responses will inform researchers and car manufacturers to better implement new driving technology to accommodate the needs of people with cerebral palsy.

Recruitment end date: 30th October 2024

Contact: Dr Petra Karlsson, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute, The University of Sydney


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