Asian woman standing up with hands on hips, smiling to camera, on a blue background, surrounded by a halo of illustrations.

This is Elaine – the physio wizard who helps clients to achieve ambitious goals 

This is Elaine, a passionate Physiotherapist who’s been supporting clients to achieve their goals for 18 years!

During these 18 years, she’s worked with many children, helping them to defy medical odds, so that they can not just walk, but run, play and thrive. And Elaine’s also worked with countless teenagers and adults, helping them become more independent in their daily living. 

Elaine describes her approach at Cerebral Palsy Alliance as holistic, she collaborates with a multi-disciplinary team, including Occupational Therapists, Exercise Physiologists, Speech Pathologists and Assistive Technology experts to name a few. Together, they support clients of all ages to achieve goals they may never have dreamt were possible.  

The world-class training she receives through Cerebral Palsy Alliance’s Registered Training Organisation supports her continuous professional development, ensuring she stays up to speed with the latest skills and evidence-based therapy practices from our Research Institute. 

“Working at CPA is so rewarding, we are family focussed, we set goals with clients, and we really celebrate when clients achieve their goals.” 

 “I get very excited when I get to see the clients achieve their goals, like my client Aidyn. I support him to walk independently using a walking frame. He can also now run with a race runner, which gives him so much freedom to play.” 

Elaine believes that communication and knowledge is power. When she’s conducting a client’s assessment, for example, she explains the detail very clearly to the family, so that she can empower them to understand their child’s condition.  

Some of Elaine’s most memorable moments at CPA are helping children like 6-year-old Aidyn and 2-year-old Jibreel achieve key milestones.  

Aidyn came to CPA when he was around one year old. He was born prematurely and has development delay. Elaine worked with him to improve his mobility, and he’s now able to walk with a walking frame independently, swim, run with a frame runner and kick a soccer ball. This helps him  to socialise and play games with his friends at school and the park.  

Jibreel has cerebral palsy and he was also born prematurely. Elaine’s been working with him for 6 months at the CPA site and virtually via Telepractice. Seeing his home environment enabled Elaine to maximise his practice at home, involving his family, and incorporating therapy into his everyday routine. With regular exercises Jibreel became stronger, and now he can walk by himself, which is amazing progress and something that his parents thought he may never do.  

This is the magic that can happen when

Great minds think differently!