little boy wearing glasses and a spiderman top kicking a soccer ball

Meet Logan – kicking his goals all the way to school

Logan was born at 29 weeks and spent 3 months in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).  He was referred to the Early Response Therapy Program at Cerebral Palsy Alliance when his parents noticed something wasn’t right with his movement. Accessing early intervention services – physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech pathology – has given him a head start with his development.

Five years on Logan’s part of the CPA community at Prairiewood, working with physiotherapist Tamis Pin and our goal directed training therapy approach on his goals: to transition smoothly to a primary school, where he would participate fully in his curriculum, and to enjoy his gross motor activities like his peers.

“Logan is doing most of the same activities as his peers based on the results of our assessment (Peabody Developmental Motor Scales). His main issues are his walking balance and overall endurance,” commented Tamis.

Logan’s family is very active. His mum, dad, and two siblings love spending time outdoors together. The family practise Logan’s home exercise programs, incorporating these into fun things he likes to do, so it’s part of his everyday routine and doesn’t feel like therapy.

Soccer is Logan’s big passion, he’s made great progress with his ball skills and loves to practise with his dad and sister at home and at the local park” said Kayla, Logan’s mum.

In his physio sessions, Tamis uses kicking a ball to encourage his single leg balance and build up his strength. To increase the challenge and make a simple ball kicking exercises more fun, Tamis either makes the ball move or Logan move to kick a stationary ball so that he improves his eye foot coordination at the same time.

In the past, Logan has learned how to do side skipping, or sometimes called galloping. It’s like a variation of hopping. These are the kind of activities that he would do in both preschool and primary school settings.

To improve his walking pattern (gait), Logan is practising walking like a duck, following footprints (as visual cues) to encourage walking with both feet pointing forward, instead of pointing inwards (pigeon toed). This re-trains the brain to walk properly and builds up his leg muscles. The goal is to improve his walking balance and endurance, which is important when he starts primary school in a bigger campus with more uneven terrains.

In preparation for the transition to primary school, Tamis has also checked his skills in negotiating the playground equipment to ensure he is safe and confident to using the playground – just the same as any other child.

We are so grateful for Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Logan wouldn’t be where he is today developmentally without their support. Tamis is wonderful at making his therapy fun and helping to prepare him for school. I can’t believe my baby boy’s ready to go to school! said mum, Kayla.

Can goal directed training support you or your child? Learn more