Community inclusion for children with disabilities and their families in Australia

Researchers from the University of Sydney and Plumtree Children’s Services are inviting parents and carers of children with development delay and disability aged 0–14 years to share their experiences on participating in community activities.

You are invited to take part in an online Family Survey about how children with a disability and their families participate in community activities in Australia. This might include playing a sport, going for a walk, going to the beach or an event, shopping or eating out.

If you are an Australian parent or caregiver with a child with a developmental delay or disability aged 0 –14 years old, we would love to hear from you and your child.

Your survey responses are confidential, and the information we collect will help us understand the current barriers and enablers of inclusion and participation across different community experiences.

The following link takes you to the online survey which takes about 15 minutes to complete. Our priority is to also capture the voice of children with disability and therefore, the survey also includes a set of questions you can answer with your child too – click here to take part.

This survey is being conducted as part of Plumtree Children’s Services Community & Me, a peer-led, co-designed community inclusion project funded by the Department of Social Services.

Dr Genevieve Johnsson from the University of Sydney is leading the research and can be contacted if you have any questions (

Criteria for eligible participants

  • Parents and caregivers who have a child with developmental delay or disability aged 0-14 years in their care who live in Australia and are able to read and write sufficiently in English, or have the support of a translator.

For more information, contact:

Chief Investigator: Dr Genevieve Johnsson, University of Sydney, Centre for Disability Research and Policy

E: / M: 0415737913

This survey closes 3 October 2022.