Short term accommodation for children – your extended family

We all know the importance of self-care. Having the right supports that help us to take a break and re-set allows us to better care for the ones we love. CPA’s Short Term Accommodation service, also known as Respite, is the extended family you can rely on whenever you need that extra support.

Our respite services provide 24-hour care for children and adults with cerebral palsy and similar conditions, allowing families and carers to recuperate and feel assured their loved one is receiving the best support from highly trained staff.

We spoke to Rita Cazzola, House Manager in our dedicated Dee Why Children’s respite home about her experiences and insights into how respite helps clients and support families. Rita commented,

“It’s the special care and attention we provide to the children that makes CPA Respite so special. The staff’s role goes beyond the time the child spends in the home. We work closely with the child’s team of health professionals whether that be a therapist or behaviour support practitioner, to collaboratively design activities that will support the child’s daily life needs.

“We tailor stays to match the children with those of similar interests and needs, no matter the complexity,” – said Rita

CPA’s Respite is an extension of a child’s home, a place where they are safe and comfortable. They have opportunities to connect with other kids and build friendships that continue to form outside of their stay. Our homes provide a space of fun and entertainment, where children can have different experiences that they may not have access to at home.

Recently CPA’s Dee Why children’s respite house received some exciting updates including a sensory room for children to have quiet time and relax, and new outdoor play equipment, encouraging creative and adventurous play during their stay.

Riarna’s mum, Grace commented on what her daughter loves about CPA Respite,

“Riarna loves going to Respite and wants to go every day! She enjoys socialising, making new friends, loves playing in the back yard, helping in the kitchen and going on outings. She’s learning new life skills and becoming more independent every day, which is wonderful to see.”

Grace also commented that CPA’s Respite services gives her peace of mind, knowing Riarna is being well cared for while she’s having time out.

“They’ve supported our family whilst I was in hospital, they are always accommodating, thoughtful and really work to support our family needs… I couldn’t recommend CPA’s Respite Services highly enough!” added Grace

If you are considering CPA’s Respite services or are looking for the right support for you and your family, feel free to visit our homes across Sydney and meet the friendly team. To book an appointment email us at or call 02 9975 8000. We are here to help you every step of the way.